Images of Faith

SaviorImages of Faith: spiritually infused paintings



The ancient tradition of icon painting goes back at least a millennium. These paintings are the visible link between the material world and the divine realm. They act as timeless portals, allowing us to travel from this world to the next. Traditionally in icons, colors have meaning and symbolism, and established precepts make these paintings and the stories they tell “readable” to a knowing audience. In close and careful study of the tradition, as I learned the basic precepts of traditional Byzantine iconography I came to see the similarities in modern approaches to abstraction. Early examples of icons boasted a juxtaposition of rhythm, color and shape which is supposed to make them devoid of perspective and depth making them other worldly. As a contemporary artist, I could not help but allow my style to evolve and to embrace all the influences around me and to permit them to inform the creation of my images. So the work, though steeped in careful observation of the masters, also reflects 20th century influences.

Many of the pieces explore traditional iconic prototypes, compositions which have been reinvented hundreds if not thousands of times. But this time, I’m using a modern vernacular, hoping to speak to the audience of today. Language evolves, grows and changes. New words are invented. Like every generation, I marvel at what is lost in translation. I am careful to edit the images to distill an absolute essence of the symbols, all the while, delighting in color, shape form and decorative aspect. My hope in the end is to arrive at a meaningful religious symbol that resonates today.

The  Grantham Church Art Gallery
Grantham, PA

Sept 4 – October 15, 2010