RAHWAY, NJ — The City of Rahway is currently presenting “The Maker’s Mark”, an art exhibit featuring the work of nine artists, from November 14 through December 9, at The Gallery Space, located at 1670 Irving St. in Rahway.
There will be a formal reception with the featured artists this Sunday, November 20, from 1-4 p.m.
Admission is free. For additional information, email lcappiello@cityofrahway.com or call The Gallery Space office at 732 827-2210, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon or 1-4 p.m.
Regular gallery hours are Monday to Friday from 1-4 p.m. or by appointment for groups of five or more.
The artists for this exhibit include Alyce Abrams, Guillermo Bublik, Jose Manuel Cruz, Dan Fenelon, Nupur Nishith, Laurie Pettine, Elisa Pritzker, Christina Saj, and Andrew Werth.
The Gallery Space description of the exhibit: “There is a very human urge to decorate the world around us that dates back to the most ancient times. Even in the earliest cultures, public places, temples, homes, and utilitarian objects for the home were adorned with motifs, symbols, color, and decorative designs, many of which had significance based on local religions, the natural world, or personal interests of the artists and artisans who created them.”
Gallery Space curator Lawrence Cappiello adds, “The artists for this exhibit, and their selected artworks, which include both two-dimensional and three-dimensional creations, were chosen because of their practice of filling their artworks with design motifs, some based on established and, at times, historically significant uses, or with more personal ‘marks’ or shapes that are similar in nature to a form of ‘writing’. “
The exhibit is made possible by funds from the Union County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.